Human Resources

Celebrate more voices from more places

Harness your talent by helping others harness theirs. With our Human Resources (HR) experts, you’ll create a future we can all be proud of.

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Find and harness talent

By uniting brilliant people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives, goals, and passions, you'll unearth new ideas and innovations. This will help us to continue building brands that are relevant now and respected forever, like Johnnie Walker, Guinness, Captain Morgan, and Baileys.

Our purpose is to celebrate life, every day, everywhere. Championing an inclusive and collaborative culture is one of the many ways we're doing this, empowering everyone to be the best they can be.

HR Diageo Menstrie Scotland

Anticipate the needs of tomorrow

You’ll be joining a team of talent-builders who find curious, passionate people and help them excel. From thinkers and innovators to entrepreneurs and scientists — every individual will bring their unique ideas and mindsets. And by equipping them with the necessary personal, professional and functional skills to anticipate tomorrow's challenges, you'll develop talented people in every corner of our business.

Our HR teams